Lockheart Love ♡

Pending Fanlistings

For all my fanlistings, check out the collective!


rawr! // carnotaurus
rock me

I ♥ anime music!

Digital Love

patron :: Apollo

3-24-2025: I made a shrine for Apollo! It's a bit different than my other shrines, but I'm happy with it :3
3-18-2025: I made a Sitemap!
3-17-2025: I made my first joinable clique! It's not hosted on this site, but it's a big thing for me (first time using php, first joinable, etc) so I wanted to put it here :3
3-15-2025: I removed the video manager and the extra webring link, since neither one was necessary, and I want more space to add more stuff later :3 I have some ideas in mind, so I wanted to clear up some space for them!
3-9-2025: Possibly my longest Blog Post yet! It's a bit personal and therefore nerve-racking, but I wanted to write about it :3
3-5-2025: I made a shrine for EPIC: The Musical!!!!!!
3-1-2025: I'm one of the winners of Petra's Indie Web Contest and I think I will either cry or explode because OMG 😭😭😭
2-22-2025: I FINALLY GOT A DOMAIN!!! I'm very happy about it! All the old links will still work, but still!!
2-19-2025: I made a fanlisting for Akito Shinonome, because of course I did, and we hit 100 fanlistings total!
2-16-2025: I made a itch.io Fanlisting!
2-14-2025: Stray Kids Fanlisting, new graphics and pets and fanlistings, lots of stuff!
2-12-2025: I fixed up my Fanlistings! It's now officially a subpage, which I have lovingly dubbed "pastel prince fls". Why? Because I can.
2-11-2025: I made a page for my Fanlistings! I've gotta set it up though, I want it to be its own mini website :(
2-10-2025: I downloaded all the pictures from my Quiz Results, so none of those are hotlinked anymore!
2-6-2025: GIANT CHANGE, I MOVED PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING OVER TO 11TY!!! There shouldn't be any huge changes on your (the viewer's) end, but it's a big shift on my end that should make things a lot easier in the future!!
1-31-2025: New virtual pet, and I created a Webring!! I have it as a "subpage" because I wanted it directly linked from here, but it's an iframe of webmasterwebring.netlify.app, which is where the webring is officially hosted!
1-27-2025: Added Lists!!
1-25-2025: Made what's probably my favorite Blog Post so far!! Also, just know that even though I haven't updated the changelog much, I've been adding stuff daily 😭
1-14-2025: Added Shiny Buttons and fixed some incorrect metadata!
1-13-2025: Added in Game Recs and my first Blog Post of the new year!
1-12-2025: Added new neighbors, a link to my Ko-fi, and a Video Manager!
1-5-2025: Added an Anime Recs section! Also fixed file organization to make things easier on my end :3
1-4-2025: Added some new graphics and fixed the Links section to group my neocities mutuals with other neighbors!
1-1-2025: Made responsive Stray Kids and Genshin Impact shrines!
12-31-2024: New navbar! javascript more required than ever but MUCH better navigation imo! also added Recs!
12-28-2024: Made a For You section!
12-27-2024: Moved webrings/fanlistings to home page, and added webcliques and a Greenhouse!
12-26-2024: Added Source Code!
12-25-2024: Added Userboxes, Guestbook, and Contact Page!
12-23-2024: Added Art and Subpages to Collections, and moved to Neocities!!!
12-22-2024: Changed Blog from text files to HTML and added lots of graphics!
12-20-2024: Moved Webmastery Tools to this site and gave it a big update!
12-07-2024: Fixed 404 page, added new links, and added site rating!
12-04-2024: Altered posts page so you can sort alphabetically!
12-03-2024: Joined my first webring and applied to some fanlistings!!
12-02-2024: Additional links and graphics, more pokemon, and fixed the footer on the graphics page!
12-01-2024: Added another graphics page, virtual pets, and moved everything to a public folder!
11-30-2024: Site hosted on Netlify, working out immediate issues!