Lockheart Love ♡
Blog Post 13: I NEED A DOMAIN (and a job) SO BADDDD
Hello hello! I've been working on something recently, and I wanted to talk about it!
The past two days, I've been working on my fanlisting collective! It's called Pastel Prince FLs, and can be found both as a subpage and as its own website! I'm really proud of it, actually! I learned how to use border images for this, and I think it looks good. On top of that, the layout is pretty different than most of my sites, and I think it's really cute!! All of that sounds great, and for the most part, it is, but it also brought up something pretty crucial - I need to get a domain.
I've been wanting one for longer than I've had this website up, but it's getting desperate now. As I said, I have that fanlisting collective - but I'd love to have it as a subdomain to my main site. Not a path, not a Netlify subdomain, but a subdomain of a domain that I own. My webmastery tools, my source code page - I have so many things that I'd love to make into their own websites, but exist under the umbrella of this site. I also have other sites, like my music website, that I have ideas for how I'd use a domain! More than that, though, I finally figured out how to launch sites using the subfolders of this one - exactly what I did with the fanlisting collective. I know what subdomains I'd use, how I'd use them, and all of them go back up to the one domain that I desperately want to get.
When I say I desperately want to get a domain, I mean desperately. It's quite literally kept me up at night, and I've been checking and re-checking several different places to see what sites have the best prices. I want a domain, and I want one really badly, with the primary issue being that the one I want is over $20. And, listen - I know that's annually. It doesn't even compare to the Adobe subscription my school forced me into ($20 a month for a year). It isn't a huge amount.
Currently, I don't have a source of income, and I won't be able to get one for at least a week or two. The main reason for that is that I don't have a current ID. My last ID was a driver's permit, and it expired back in 2021. It's been literal years, and I'm legally an adult now, so I need a new one,which I'll be getting in a week or so. From there, though? I don't know. Set up my Paypal for tipping and pray? Make more ko-fi content? Force myself back into recording videos?
(Side note, I like recording videos and I want to make more of them, I've just been so focused on my websites that it fell to the side.)
Technically speaking, I could get the domain now, but I feel like I should have a source of income so I'm not just draining away what little money I have. I'm very aware that the obvious solution is "well get a job, then", but again, I can't do that. Not yet, at the very least, but I also genuinely don't think I'm capable of joining any in-person workforce. A handful of disabilities and a complete lack of any solid skills means that unless I can get a job sorting legos by color in a quiet room, my best bet is something online. Even then, though, I still struggle to wrap my head around the concept of selling a service or a product in any way. I'd love to be a web designer and do commissions of that! But I have no idea how to set that up. I'd love to be a full-time musician and make more music! But I haven't recorded in ages because of how much I'm stuck on this website and wanting a domain for it.
It's all frustrating, really. I have a degree, and no job to speak of. I'm 18, but without a special piece of plastic, I'm not a person at all. I have marketable skills, and no clue of how to market them. I'm vaguely aware of the fact that I've created road blocks for myself, but I don't know how to name them, much less dismantle them.
Anyways, this took a bit of a negative turn, but I started this post because I was so excited about my fanlisting collective, WHICH I'M STILL VERY EXCITED ABOUT!!!! I think it came out super cute, and I'm pretty excited to make and join more fanlistings! I'll figure out the whole domain thing later, but in the meantime, I hope you have a great day! Thanks for reading! ♡
- Bailey Lockheart (2025~02~12)