Lockheart Love ♡
Hello hello! I'm aware that tiktok's back, but I am entirely uninterested in talking about that because I HAVE FOUND SOMETHING NEW!!! Something new that sparks IMMEASURABLE joy!!
Okay, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but it seriously does make me happy! Being a somewhat active user of social media, I've known what Rentry is for a while. It's practically unavoidable, but even if it was, I really like seeing what people make! Still though, the lack of ability to make an account kind of freaked me out, since I didn't want to lose track of my pages or anything like that. Because of that, I never got started with it.
More recently though, I found out about something called Stellular, which is Markdown based social platform, if one could call it that. It offers a variety of things, like web hosting, markdown pastes, and even the ability to make your own forum-ish thing? It seemed pretty cool overall, even if I didn't really get how it worked. I made an account and a few very simple pastes, but not much more. That is, until recently.
I was looking through resource rentry pages, as one does, when I stumbled across a super cool one. After looking through it, I felt inspired, I suppose? So, I went back over to Stellular, and tried to figure out cool things to do. I cross-referenced a lot with Tumblr, and tinkered around to see how much HTML I could use in these markdown pastes. I found other people on the site who had far more interesting profiles and layouts, and again, that inspired me.
I revamped some of my old pastes and made a few new ones, with my main one actually matching my main website really well! You can look at it here, and it should link to my profile and my other pastes! Stellular pastes can be accessed through multiple different names, but the one I like most is sntry! It might be because it reminds me of rentry, which I'm sure is intentional. Anyways, I've been tooling around in there for the better part of six hours now, and I'm genuinely having a really good time!
On top of using it to get more familiar with markdown (which yes, I do find more difficult than HTML), it's also just really fun to look through. I can type random words into the URL and find different pages made by different people! A lot of them end up being people "hoarding" the URLs, but even then, it's cool seeing what people jumped to grab up what words. Despite thinking I wouldn't, I actually ended up nabbing a few, myself! My hold on them is loose, and I'll hand them over if asked, but I still think it's nice to have them.
Anyways, I've been having a lot of fun playing around with sntry, and I'm probably gonna be hanging out there more! Obviously this website is still a priority, and I've still got some music stuff planned, but I'm always glad to find new fun things! Thanks for reading! ♡
- Bailey Lockheart (2025~01~23)